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Steps to Help You Discuss Difficult Topics at Home and at Work

Whether you need to talk to a co-worker or a family member, as humans we find it hard to talk about difficult topics. To help improve your work and home life, we want to go over some basic points that will help you sail through those difficult conversations. Here at Justice Homes our work life and home life are wrapped up together because we are a family owned business. Even so we have to talk to contractors and vendors about a number of different things. We have found these basic steps to be very helpful.

  1. Schedule a time to speak. This is, of course, if it isn’t an emergency. In scheduling that time with them they can be in a better frame of mind. Allowing someone to be mentally prepared is a kindness, instead of just springing it on them.
  2. Speak face to face. Due to the pandemic, speaking in person is not advised but you can always do it through a video call. Doing so will help you to see the person's body language to an extent and their facial expression. Talking over the phone or through texting can often lead to misinterpretation and guessing how the person actually meant it to come across.
  3. Write down what you want to say. This is a simple way to compile all of your thoughts. It will come out smoother and more concise because you know exactly what you want to say. Preparing this way will help you to feel more confident. Make sure that you practice because you want to be able to maintain eye contact when talking.
  4. Communicate with positivity. What we mean by that is, if there is a problem you want the discussion to either start or end on a positive note. If it has been solved, then let the person know that from the beginning. If it hasn’t been solved, then end it with letting know what the plan is. You can even ask them what they think the next step should be. That way you are keeping things positive and productive.
  5. Tone is everything. How you say something is just as important as what you are saying. The tone of your voice will largely dictate how it is taken. Therefore, you want to be gentle but firm when speaking. This will help to bring about confidence and prevent negative reactions.
  6. Be empathic. Take a moment to really think about what it would be like to be in the other person’s shoes. What they would be thinking and feeling. This will help you be empathic toward them and show that you really understand the position that they are in. Such reassurance can help diffuse any argument that may come about.
  7. Keep the discussion productive. If you notice that someone is starting to raise their voice or communicate in a way that isn’t really appropriate, then try and redirect them. A simple statement such as “I’d like to keep the conversation productive” is more times than not all that is needed.

We are certainly living in difficult times and that can mean there will be difficult conversations to be had. Unfortunately, it is inevitable if you’re a business owner. That being said, you can always make it easier on you and the other person by following these simple steps. Justice Homes knows that buying a home can cause tension when two people want completely different things. These steps can help families to discuss what they want and why, coming to a compromise. Give us a call today if you’re looking for a home. More than likely you will be able to find a home that you both love here at Justice Homes!

By Justice Homes 7-23-2020
